Ilmiy adabiyotlar

Sadullayev U - O’zbekistonda mahalla boshqaruvida xotin-qizlarning o`rni
Набиева Р - Особенности и психологизма пьес А.ВАМПИЛОВА
Jabborova A - The category of person in english grammar, the analysis of their use in “LOVУ OF LIFE” written by Kack London
Jabborova A - The lecturer of history and philology department , Asia internatyional university.
Nosirova D - Learning english as a second language: challenges and strategeis
Tasheva N - Expression of lexical-semantic and socio-spiritual parameters in the creation of great human figures in english renaissance drama
Мирзаев Ш - Бухоро областида 1950-йилларда суғориш иншоотлари қуриш тарихи
Sayfiyev H - Sport gimnastika mashg`ulotlarida asosiy harakat qobilyat(FMS), Postural (Muvozanat) Nazorat va o`zini idrok etishga sport gimnastikasining ta`siri
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