Ilmiy adabiyotlar

Jo`raqulov S - Medium education modern physics of teaching importance and how bolis need about thank you
Хасанова Ш - Разница между пословицей и поговоркой
Axmedova Z - Learning managment system imkoniyatlari
Jalilova Z - Application of artifical intelligence technologies in history education
Jabborova Z - O`quvchilarni jalb qilish strategiyalari: Talabalar orasida faol ishtirokini rivojlantirish
Hamroyev X - Normal morphometric parameters of the liver of laboratory rats
Исмоилова Д - Морфологическое и физиологическое свойства и распространение, а также значение для человека представителей стафилиниды из семейства жесткокрылых
Тешаев М - Нурота қолди қолдиқ тоғларида тарқалган камёб ўсимларнинг кенг кўламли таҳлили
Amrilloyev A - Pirasetam monosulfat tuzilishini va elektronlarni kvant kimyoviy usulda o`rganish
Quvvatov B - Construction of special models through differential equations and practical solutions
Quvvatov B - SQL Databases and BIG DATA analytics: Navigating the data managment landscap
Hakimova N - "The effects of task-based instruction on development of communication skills in online learning environment in Uzbekistan"
Sharapova N - "Charcteristics of dental prostheses wearing in patients with type 2 diabetes according to kidneyimpairment "
Karimova G - Fantasty as a one of the most essential genre of english literature, mostly in works of tolkien
Sayfutdinov F - Zarafshon vohasi etnik tarkibi (XX asrning 2-yarmi)