Ilmiy adabiyotlar

Давлетшин М. - Ёш даврлари ва педагогик психология
A.Musayeva - The Harmony of Man and Nature in the Work of Paustovsky
Ш.Нарзуллаева - Моя семья-моя опора
Sh. Xalilova - Pedagogik muloqot o`quv jarayoni samaradorligini oshirishning muhim omili
M.S.Bazarova - Development of agriculture in Uzbekistan on the principles of green economy
B.Xalilov - Accounting and foreign experience in the field of tourism
M.Gadoyeva - Tarix darslarini o`qitishda video materiallardan foydalanish
M.Tursunova - Badiiy tarjima jarayonida madaniyatlar o`rtasidagi farqlar
Sh.Alimova - Methodology for the use of business communications and the application of KPI in the activites of enterprises.
Z.Jumayeva - Investments in human capital and peculiarities of this process in Uzbekistan
M.S.Bazarova - Problems of development of small business and private entreoreneurship on the basis of the marketing system in the framework of the anti-crisis program
U.Sa`dullayev - Milliy qadriyatlarimiz asrovchisi
D.Gulyamova - Nutq madaniyatini shakllantirish va rivojlantirishda evfemizmlarning o`rni
Sh.Ochilov - O‘zbek xalqining bog`dorchilik xo`jaligi bilan bog`liq udumlarda etnoekologik qarashlar
Д.Муродова - Женская проза в современной русской литературе