Ilmiy adabiyotlar

Rahimova G - Noan`anaviy agrorudalarni qishloq xo`jaligida foydalanishning ilmiy asoslari
Latipova Sh - Positive and negative directions of the surface integral of the second type
Gulyamova D - The importance of euphemisms as a literary element
Sharopova M - Processing technologies big data
Ashurov J - The importance of using the pedagogical method of the insert strategy in information technology practical exercises
Tog`aydullayeva D - Joint cases of metabolic sindrome and rheumatoid arthritis diseases
Sharipova M - Functional spaces
Zikrillayev F - Department of syndesmology from the science of human anatomy general information about
Lukmonova S - The role digital educational resources in the professional activity of a modern teacher
Ismoilova D - Using the "Mathematical lotto" method in teaching the topic "Vectors and operations on them"
Homidov F - The Cauchy problem for a system of moment e- elasticity theory existence sign of solution y
Хайитова Д - Современные аспекты при изучении предлежании плаценты во время беременности
Ismailova I - The relation of physics to biology and medicine
Alimova Sh - Formation and development of career as personnel technology of human resource managment
Toshev M - Xodimlarni boshqarish