Ilmiy adabiyotlar

Djurayeva R - Semizlik
Teshayev M - Isiriqning tarkibi va tibbiy foydasi
Ikromov E - Ishlab chiqarishda rahbar mehnatining asosiy o`rni va korxonalar iqtisodiy faoliyatiga ta`siri
Jumayeva Z - The impact of digitalization on the labor market
S Sayfulloyev - Working prinsiple of a heat pump
Murodov O - Development of an automated system for controlling temperature and humidity in production rooms
Quvvatov B - Fundamentals of algorithm and programming in mathcad software
Sabirova S - Characteristics of representation of phytonyms in latin. Botanical nomenclature in uzbek languge
Srojeva G - Role of preschool educational institutions in education of a perfect person
Бобожонов Ш - Бухоро шахри қадимий дарвозаларининг шаклланиши тарихига доир
Raxmonqulova N - Birja-bozor infratuzilmasining asosiy bo`g`ini sifatida
Naimova N - Opportunityies for the development of cryptocurreencies in the digital economy
Rakhimova Z - Genre characteristics of modern newspaper language
Gadaeva M - About the history of the veil or medieval women's dress
Jalolov T - SPSS Dasturi yordamida ma`lumotlarni qayta ishlashning ijtimoiy psixologik xususiyatlari