Ilmiy adabiyotlar

Shodieva M - Language and migration, exploring linguistic integration in a globalized world
Toshpolatova Sh - Linguistic anthropology
Elov Z - Forms and predmet of forensic psychological examination
Tasheva N - Embracing the peculiarities: new pedagogical technologies in english classes
Каримова Г - Лингво культурологические И лингво когнитивные особенности сказок
Axmedova Z - Determining the quality of computer tests today
Хаққулова Д - О Силе в формировании разума место вызывания
Shukurova M - Growing children's speech in the process of introducing them to the environment and nature
Баракатов И - В Города Бухаре профилактика кровотечений Из варикозно расширенных вен пищевода у больных с циррозом печени
Fattullayeva M - Primary in classes dictionary on work methodology
Jabborova A - Integrating information technology in english language lessons
Sadullayev U - Media literacy is a requirement of the modern world
Sidiqova Y - By forming labor education in preschool children education of moral qualities
Mukhiddinova X - Morphologic changes in red blood cells
Bobojonova D - Analysis of folk proverbs based on medicine