Ilmiy adabiyotlar

Durova Sh - Practical ways of enhancing reading skill
Rajabova O - A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of vaginal progesterone, cervical pesar, and their combination for preventing the risk of premature labor in high-risk pregnant women
Djumaeva Z - Anti-inflationary policy of the central bank in ensuring the economics stability of our country
Ibodova N - The role of IBRAHIM MOMINOV in studying the personality of AMIR TEMUR
Tursunova M - Effective strategies for teaching english to medical students
Irgashev I - O`tkir koronar sindrom kuzatilayotgan bemorlarda ilk yordam ko`rsatishning ustuvor tamoillari hamda uning ahamiyati
Bozorova R - Education and role of women in science
Irgashev I - Gipertoniya kasalligida shoshilinch yordam ko`rsatish
Berdiyeva S - The role of multimedia learning on teaching foriegn languages
Boboqulova M - Thermodynamics of living sytems
Рустамов Э - Организации самостоятельной работы и самообразовании в высщих учебных заведениях
Xalilova Sh - Pedagoglar tomonidan darsda va darsdan tashqari muhitda qo`llanadigan pedagogik muloqotning uslublari
Qurbonov G` - Didactic possibilities of teaching the educational process on the base of digital educational technologies
Умарова У - Приминение экспресс-тестов на занятиях по дискретной математике
Tolibov F - Clinical characteristics of gastritis in digestive diseases