Ilmiy adabiyotlar

Kozimova N - Psychological aspects of emotional stress in adaptation to educational activities
Murtazoyeva M - Teacher student the module at a glance create (PART 2)
Xayrullayev U - Literacy and information exchange in the ancient east and west
Jo`rayev Q - Usage of spatial information models in the managment of pasture lands
Togaydullayeva D - Prevalence indicators of arterial hypertension in the population
Shukurova Sh - Tarkibida efir moylari bo`lgan dorivor o`simliklar
Rahmonova S - Scientific-theoretical foundations of using sustainable innovative methods in the fight against the influence of "Mass Culture"
Narzullayeva Sh - Innovative methods in teaching foreign languages
Хасанова Л - Работа в малых группах как одна из форм организации познавательной деятельности студентов при обучение русскому языку
Ochilzoda F - How important to employ modern methods for teaching english
Rashitova Sh - “Tushunchalar tahlili “ usuli yordamida VI guruh elementlarini o`rganish
Bakayev N - Typical mistakes of foreign students when learning latin and ways to eliminate them
Maxmudova N - Influence of family environment on personal socialization
Muyiddinov B - Military art of turkish Khaganate in the early middle ages
Sayfutdinov F - The formation of preliminary knowledge about the people of Karakalpak