Ilmiy adabiyotlar

Bobohusenov A - Results of the archaeological research works carried out in Bactria
Саидова О - Склонение имён существительных
Amrilloyev A - Analitik kimyo fanidan talabalarning bilim va ko`nikma va malakalarini baholashda yozma nazoratlarning o`rni
Khamroeva S - Multilingualism
Nosirova D - "Game on: Enhancing language learning through board games in Esl Classes"
Хасанова Ш - Из истории изучения пословиц И поговорок
Fayzullayeva N - Learning english language for medicine
Ollomurodov A - The Importance of film annotations in analyzing cinema discourse
Sayfullayeva N - Head of childern`s institution on organazing the work of forming mathematical imaginations and big teacher`s place. Educators knowledge degree and forms of development of skills
Isomova F - Preschool educationla organizations and their organization
Икромова С - Развитие сознания и обучение студентов понятиям безсознательного
Bafoyeva R - Postmodernism in literature
Xalilova K - Personalized training for a varied student body of english language learners
Tursunova Z - Development of student`s linguistic competencies in mother language and reading literacy lessons of the 3rd grade
Sayfiyev H - Basic concepts of the growth of motor development in gymnastics.