Ilmiy adabiyotlar

Ikromov E - Zamonaviy menejment tizimida rahbarlik uslublarining tasniflanishi
Khamroev Kh. - Bleeding induced by taking non-steroid anti-inflammatory ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS IN THE UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL
Ismoilova D - Use of some interactive methods in teaching mathematics
Облоқулов Ш - Инсон организмида гликопротеинларва протеогли канларнинг ахамияти
Mavlonova N - Socio-ideological foundations of methods for ensuring stability in society
Axmedova S - The impact of technology globalization and media on languages
Hakimova N - The benefits of bilingualism in children
Nabiyeva R - Many of the features of psixologizm A. Vampilov
Муродова Д - Современная материнская любовь в прозе Марии Таруб
Асатова Н - Oпределение этиопатогенеза и факторов риска ожирения среди подростков
Orifxo`jayeva M - Dental condition trainees of grain and grain products combine workers
Hojiyeva N - And essence of the educational process
Нарзиева Ш - Процесс эмпатии в человеке и его социально-психологическая природа
Ostonova G - Zanjabil(ZINGIBER ОFFICINАLE) ning dorivorlik xususiyatlari
Hakimova N - The benefits of bilingualism in children